mercoledì 23 novembre 2022

GOD DETHRONED firmano per Atomic Fire Records e annunciano il nuovo singolo 'Asmodevs'

S-D: Dave Meester (chitarra), Henri Sattler (voce, chitarra), Frank Skillpero (batteria), Jeroen Pomper (voce, basso)
Photo Credit: Chantik Photography (

In occasione del 30° anniversario dell’album di debutto, l'istituzione olandese del blackened death metal GOD DETHRONED è lieta di annunciare un nuovo capitolo della propria carriera. Dopo essere emersi nella scena del metal estremo dei primi anni '90 e aver guadagnato un seguito internazionale grazie a dodici album che sono diventati pietre miliari del genere, i GOD DETHRONED sono sempre rimasti fedeli alle loro radici pur reinventandosi: oggi sono orgogliosi di annunciare la loro firma con Atomic Fire Records e, in previsione del loro imminente tour in America Latina, la band rivelerà un nuovo singolo sorprendentemente orecchiabile ma brutale. È già possibile pre-salvare il brano in uscita, "Asmodevs", qui ( Una prima anticipazione sonora è disponibile in questo spettacolare video:
"Non è solo eccitazione, siamo entusiasti che Atomic Fire Records abbia deciso di aggiungere i GOD DETHRONED al proprio roster di artisti", commenta il frontman Henri Sattler a nome dei GOD DETHRONED. "Erano in cima alla nostra lista dei desideri di nuove etichette con cui firmare, quindi si può sicuramente dire che un sogno si è avverato! Per celebrare questo nuovo accordo, Atomic Fire Records pubblicherà il nostro nuovo singolo e video, 'Asmodevs', il 2 dicembre, proprio prima dell'Eindhoven Metal Meeting e del nostro tour in America Latina. Che modo di concludere l'anno!".
Il cofondatore/A&R di Atomic Fire RecordsMarkus Wosgien, aggiunge: "Siamo felici di dare il benvenuto su Atomic Fire Records a una delle band death metal più durature e senza compromessi di tutti i tempi, i GOD DETHRONED. Cosa sarebbero stati gli anni '90 senza ‘The Christhunt’ e soprattutto ‘The Grand Grimoire’ e ‘Bloody Blasphemy’?! Henri Sattler è un maestro del suo mestiere e con ‘Illuminati’ ha recentemente sottolineato che i GOD DETHRONED non mancano mai di reinventarsi. L'imminente nuovo brano dice praticamente tutto".
Restate sintonizzati per ulteriori informazioni e, se potete, assicuratevi di vedere i GOD DETHRONED in una delle seguenti date del tour:
09.12.2022 NL Eindhoven - Eindhoven Metal Meeting
30 Years of »The Christhunt« - Latin American Tour 2022
10.12.2022 CO Bogotá - Ace of Spades Club
11.12.2022 CO Medellín - Barnaby Jones
13.12.2022 MX Morelos - The Pit
14.12.2022 MX Querétaro - Elite
15.12.2022 MX Mexico City - HDX Circus Bar
16.12.2022 CL Coquimbo - Local Boomer
17.12.2022 CL Santiago - Santiago Metal Festival
18.12.2022 CL Temuco - Casa Vieja
21.01.2023 DE Mannheim - 7er Club
04.02.2023 BE Wilrijk/Antwerp - JC Vizit
22.04.2023 DE Vechta - Assault Of The Undead
23.09.2023 DE Heinrichsthal/Aschaffenburg - Dark Woods
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Henri Sattler | voce, chitarra
Jeroen Pomper | voce, basso
Dave Meester | chitarra
Frank Skillpero | batteria

Kryuhm: release party!

I Kryuhm annunciano il release party dell'album "Only in my mind" organizzando il "Revolution Doom Festival" a cui prenderanno parte altre due band di assoluto livello nel panorama Doom italiano!!!

Saranno con noi gli Expiatoria (Occult Doom) e l’ Impero Delle Ombre (Cemetery Rock)!!!!! 

La data è quella di sabato 26 novembre 2022, in terra Veneta, precisamente al Revolution live club di Colceresa (VI) in via Ponticello 15A.

Free Entry!!!!!

lunedì 21 novembre 2022

French Deathgrinders Haut&Court streamed brand new album 'COLLAPSE'. Out now on CD, K7 & Digital through legal platforms via No Good To Anyone / Duality Records.


"Auditive warfare since 2012"

As announced a few weeks ago with the single "Relentless Humanity" and then the official music video of "Messianic Collapse", French agressive deathgrinders Haut&Court finally released their brand new album called 'COLLAPSE' and available right now on CD, Tape & Digital formats through No Good To Anyone (BISHOP, Wheelfall, etc.) & Duality Records.

In addition to the official release-news, the band also shared the whole effort for FREE STREAMING on Bandcamp

Stream / Buy "COLLAPSE" on CD & Digital 

..For the record...
Haut&Court is a death/grindcore/metal band founded about 10 years ago in the Strasbourg are (North-East of France) which quickly released its firsts songs on tfhe Fall of the same year with a 6-tracks EP called 'La Vie'.
Then, the band entered the studio to record and release its debut album with 'TROFFEA', very well-received by both critics and public which allows to the band to play gigs with bands such as Abraham, Cowards, Kruger, Planks or STUNTMAN.
In 2019, H&C released their sophomore album called 'INEFFABILIS' and share some stages with big names on the scene : Rotten Sound, Implore, Blockheads, Whoresnation...
About 3 years later (and a pandemic), Haut&Court is back to business with a third album 'COLLAPSE'.

For fans of Nasum, Nails, Wormrot, Magrudergrind, Trap Them...

LORDI firmano per Atomic Fire Records. Il nuovo album in uscita in primavera 2023

Photo Credit: Maria Jyrkäs

LORDI, i mostri dell'hard rock più amati al mondo, attualmente impegnati in un tour europeo, si stanno già preparando per il prossimo capitolo della loro spettrale storia: oggi l'orda è orgogliosa di annunciare la firma con Atomic Fire Records. Mentre il loro attuale cofanetto di sette CD (!), "Lordiversity", è stato pubblicato solo un anno fa, il famoso gruppo finlandese con il mastermind Mr. Lordi ha sfruttato appieno il tempo trascorso a casa durante la pandemia per registrare un album di follow-up che vedrà la luce nella primavera del 2023.
LORDI commentano: "Siamo dannatamente orgogliosi di annunciare che i LORDI si uniscono all'imponente schieramento della Atomic Fire Records! Siamo molto eccitati all'idea di fare dei danni con Markus WosgienFlori Milz e il loro fantastico team. Lasciare AFM Records (grazie mille, Jochen) non è stata una decisione facile per noi, dato che il supporto è sempre stato ottimo! Restate sintonizzati mostri folli, la prossima era è già pronta e attesa proprio dietro l'angolo...".
Il fondatore/A&R dell'etichetta Atomic Fire RecordsMarkus Wosgien, aggiunge: "Con i LORDI siamo felici di accogliere un altro peso massimo della scena heavy metal in Atomic Fire Records. Vent’anni fa usciva il loro fantastico debutto ‘Get Heavy’ e non si poteva non amarli! La combinazione della loro immagine mostruosa con il metal tradizionale degli anni '80 è stata una vera gioia in ogni loro album ed è sempre garanzia di un vero inferno metal dal vivo. Ciò che Mr. Lordi e il suo clan di mostri hanno recentemente creato nel pacchetto di sette CD ‘Lordiversity’ mi lascia ancora senza parole e probabilmente non sarà mai più visto in questa forma. Non vediamo l'ora che arrivi il prossimo capitolo con alcuni nuovi inni mostruosi per eccellenza!".
Le prime nuove melodie vi arriveranno presto, ma nel frattempo potete vedere la band dal vivo sul palco del "Lordiversitour" europeo in corso e del "The Tour To End All Tours" appena annunciato con nientemeno che i SABATON e le BABYMETAL (tutte le date sono disponibili qui sotto!).
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LORDI live:
con ALMANAC (-04.12.), DYMYTRY (-28.11. + 03./04.12.),
ENEMY INSIDE (29.11. - 02.12.)
21.11.2022 DE Aschaffenburg - Colos-Saal
23.11.2022 DE Nuremberg - Der Hirsch
24.11.2022 DE Regensburg-Obertraubling - Eventhall Airport
25.11.2022 DE Berlin - Hole44
26.11.2022 DE Leipzig - Hellraiser
28.11.2022 DE Munich - Backstage (Werk)
29.11.2022 DE Cologne - Essigfabrik
30.11.2022 DE Saarbrucken - Garage
02.12.2022 NL Amstelveen - P60
03.12.2022 DE Bremen - Tivoli
04.12.2022 DE Hamburg - Markthalle
06.12.2022 LT Vilnius - Vakaris
08.12.2022 FI Helsinki - Tavastia-klubi
09.12.2022 FI Tampere - Olympia-kortteli
10.12.2022 FI Turku - MS Viking Grace
“The Tour To End All Tours”
14.04.2023 GB Leeds - First Direct Arena
15.04.2023 GB London - OVO Arena Wembley
16.04.2023 GB Cardiff - Motorpoint Arena
18.04.2023 GB Glasgow - OVO Hydro
21.04.2023 FR Paris - Zénith (La Villette)
22.04.2023 DE Frankfurt - Festhalle
24.04.2023 DE Hamburg - Barclays Arena
25.04.2023 LU Esch-sur-Alzette - Rockhal
28.04.2023 SE Stockholm - Avicii Arena
29.04.2023 NO Oslo - Spektrum
30.04.2023 DK Copenhagen - Royal Arena
02.05.2023 DE Hanover - ZAG Arena
03.05.2023 NL Amsterdam - Ziggo Dome
05.05.2023 DE Berlin - Mercedes-Benz Arena
06.05.2023 DE Leipzig - Quarterback Immobilien Arena
07.05.2023 AT Vienna - Stadthalle
09.05.2023 PL Łódź - Atlas Arena
10.05.2023 CZ Ostrava - Ostravar Aréna
12.05.2023 DE Cologne - Lanxess Arena
13.05.2023 BE Antwerp - Sportpaleis
15.05.2023 DE Munich - Olympiahalle
18.05.2023 EE Tallinn - Saku Suurhall
19.05.2023 FI Helsinki - Helsingin Jäähalli
20.05.2023 FI Kuopio - Kuopio-halli
LORDI online:

Interview with SEVEN THORNS (Power Metal from Denmark)

Curated By Loredana ‘Louie’ Garra

Mads Mølbæk - bass
Björn Asking – vocal
Lars Borup - drums
Gabriel Tuxen – guitar
Asger W. Nielsen – keys 

Hello Lars! Hello Seven Thorns all!! Welcome on Spread The Darkness. Let’s go with the interview!

Lars: Hello to you and all your readers 😊

1.    On April 1st you updated your Facebook page
with an announcement about the new album. Will it be "Pure Power Metal" or will you surprise us with... something completely different? What can you anticipate?

Mads: We have moved from back in time to forward in time. Where Symphony of Shadows had an overall vampire theme the new album will take you to the future. We have tried to play with moods and sounds and add it to power metal. You can expect classical uptempo power metal songs, midtempo songs, heavy songs all spiced up with futuristic sounds to create the right atmosphere and mood.

2.    Your latest album “Symphony of Shadows” was out in 2018 via Mighty Music… I would like to know who were the Seven Thorns back then and what are they like today?

Lars: Corona has taken it’s toll on the band. Right now we are trying to re-organize the band and get back to the time before [corona]. The upcoming tour with Serious Black and Magical Heart will help us gat back in the right mindset again.

3.    You have played in numerous concerts and festivals, including the prestigious CopenHell, and have shared stages with bands such as Primal Fear and Freedom Call. What anecdote or fun fact can you tell us? Are there any special moments that you remember with particular emotion?

Mads: What happens on tour stays on tour 😀
There has been really many highs. Playing Maelstrom Festival (the biggest metal festival in Sri Lanka) in 2015 and then a few days later playing festival in Stavanger, Norway. From tropical climate to cold in less than a week.

Lars: I think that having played shows and festivals with some of the bands that I was fan of when I was a teenager has been a huge highlight for me. And playing on some of the big European venues and visiting cities where I most likely wouldn’t go to, if I wasn’t playing a show there.
But we have been part of a lot of really great things because of the music.

4.    At the moment, you have a show scheduled in July @ Rock das Ding festival and a tour in December 2022 w/Serious Black. How do you feel about playing live again after over two years?

Mads: It is almost three years since our last show on the tour with Freedom Call. It will be so relieving to come out again. And Rock Das Ding festival was really great – meeting old friends getting back on the stage and just deliver power metal. The last almost three years has been really hard.

5.    I really appreciate the "Symphony of Shadows" clip and the reference to classic horror iconography. How did the idea of ​​ combining the visual and the meaning come about?

Our text writer “Dr. P” is responsible for all the words in the songs on the album. Terkel Christensen (our video maker) did a really great job making the lyric video. We told him we wanted a lyric video on speed – a video that expands the lyric video theme and we think he did exactly that. The lyrics for the song (Symphony of Shadows) has a double meaning and the video points it out very nicely – especially when the letter “h” evaporates from the word “chord”. Read the lyrics and enjoy the wordplay.   

6.    Let's take a step back in time: 1998, the genesis of the band. How did it happen?

Lars: I had just finished playing in a hard rock band and I have had a dream for a decade about playing power metal – Helloween style, so I thought “now is the time”. So I talked to a friend of mine who played guitar then and we started Seven Thorns. Then nothing happened for 5 years and he had already quit after the first year. I paused the band when he left and joined another hard rock band so I could come out and play some shows but eventually I found that the ambitions of that band didn’t match mine and re-started Seven Thorns. And this time I was lucky and found Jesper (guitar) and Mik (vocals, composer).

7.    And after this blast from the past, how do the Seven Thorns see themselves in the future (another 24 years)?

Lars: We will release our new album soon, continue touring, play shows and festivals, make a new album and go new places and so on – just the way we love it. And eventually, in 24 years, we will be touring retirement homes across Europe in our wheel chairs.

Thank you, guys! And, as usual, hope to see you soon playing in Italy!!

Thank you and we are looking so much forward to playing in Italy and we hope to get it on tour program in 2023.

Metal is Your Destiny! (cit.)

venerdì 18 novembre 2022

Finnish Metallers LAMORI Drop New Single & Video "REQUIEM"

REQUIEM is LAMORI's 3rd single taken from the upcoming album NEON BLOOD FIRE.

Requiem is a death hymn of epic proportions. Its majestic foundation is very much inspired by Tibetan Buddhist chants. Influenced by the poem A Carcass by Charles Baudelaire, singer Matias J. came up with the lyrics one cold winter night, after having witnessed the death of a swan on the frozen sea. It will take the listener on a journey both mesmerizing and macabre, with a very progressive approach to its musical structure. The song is the third single to be released from the new upcoming album NEON BLOOD FIRE:

LAMORI has been developing their own take on the goth rock genre for over 10 years now. Combining gothic rock and metal with electronics and dark wave to produce their own neon-lit flavor. Founded in 2009 on the Aland Islands of Finland, the constellation has stayed unchanged – however, their sound is ever-evolving.
NEON BLOOD FIRE, the band's fourth album to be released by Wormholedeath, will refine the soundscapes heard on the 2020 released NEO NOIR, but also introduce completely new elements to the mix. This album will have some of the heaviest LAMORI songs ever heard!

Matias Juselius, vocals
Marcus Pellas, guitar
Mikael Westerlund, bass
Jens Wickholm, keys
Emanuel Sanchez, drums

HOUR OF PENANCE to re-release "Misotheism" album

Italy's death metal outfit HOUR OF PENANCE will re-release its 2019 album "Misotheism" on January 27th via Agonia Records. The album will receive a new jewelcase CD, limited LP and will be made available on tape, for the first time.

"It's almost the third anniversary of the release of Misotheism and we have some nice treats for you," comments the band. "We will release not one, but two limited editions: a brand new colored vinyl and for the first time, you can blast our music on tape!"

HOUR OF PENANCE is planning to further promote the reissue by releasing a drum playthrough video in the near future.

"Misotheism" is a pitch-black and delightfully brutal death metal soundtrack to a collapsing universe. The album was worked on in three different locations. Drums were recorded at Bloom Recording Studio (Italy), where the band "took advantage of the huge recording rooms and endless choice of microphones". Guitars, bass and vocals - at Kick Recording Studio (Italy) with Marco Mastrobuono, who also worked on "Regicide" (2014) and "Cast the First Stone" (2017). Lastly, HOUR OF PENANCE drove to Poland to mix and master the album at Hertz Studios (BehemothVader, Decapitated). As the band reports: "Working with the Wiesławscy brothers was like putting the icing on the cake and thanks to their mastery we managed to achieve the perfect sound without making any compromises". The cover was handled by Hungarian artist Gyula Havancsàk (AcceptAnnihilatorDestructionEnsiferum).

"Misotheism" is HOUR OF PENANCE's first album for Agonia Records and eighth to date (first two were released with Xtreem Music, next two with Unique Leader Records and last three with Prosthetic Records). The band has a reputation of a venerated live act, with tours across North America, Europe and Australia, in the company of Cannibal CorpseBehemothDevildriver and Misery Index, to name a few. This year the band played Hellfest and Lions Metal Festival in France.

1. Mass Crucifixion Of Kings    
2. Blight And Conquer    
3. Fallen From Ivory Towers    
4. The Second Babel    
5. Lamb Of The Seven Sins    
6. Flames Of Merciless Gods  
7. Sovereign Nation   
8. Dura Lex Sed Lex    
9. Iudex    
10. Occult Den Of Snakes   

Giulio Moschini - guitars
Paolo Pieri - guitars and vocals
Marco Mastrobuono  - bass

Photo credit: Yog-Sothoth


Agonia Records: