mercoledì 13 aprile 2022

Progressive Metal Band GEOMETRY OF CHAOS Drop New Lyric Video "Joker's Dance"


Present Joker's Dance (Official Lyric Video)

"Joker's Dance" is a track taken from GEOMETRY OF CHAOS' album "Soldiers of the New World Order", due for re-release via Wormholedeath worldwide.

Geometry of Chaos is the new project from Fabio La Manna, mainly guitarist, bassist, keyboardist and writer of the music and lyrics, and Davide Cardella, drummer and much more .
Geometry of Chaos create music that is dynamic, progressive, ambient, melodic, and wild. "Soldiers of the New World Order" represents an engaging and compelling, wide-ranging experience, with shifting atmospheres and sensations.


Sick N'Beautiful: nuovo album per l'estate e la produzione di un film

"Hello Terrans!

E' passato davvero tanto tempo, ma i Sick N' Beautiful stanno tornando dopo questi anni che hanno portato tutta la musica live ad uno stop pressoché totale.

Nessuno è potuto dirsi immune alle sofferenze e agli orrori che il Pianeta Terra sta ancora attraversando. Nemmeno i vostri alieni preferiti.

E anche se i sorrisi ci hanno abbandonato al momento, la nostra fermezza nel proseguire sulla nostra strada e con la nostra musica è più forte, più pesante e più oscura che mai.

Un album nuovo di zecca uscirà questa estate con Frontiers Records, ed una parte di noi che non avete mai visto o sentito sarà svelata in un FILM che stiamo producendo con le nostre forze, solo per voi!

Rinnovati quindi nell'attitude, nell'energia, nell'aspetto e nella formazione. Con Herma, Evey, Big Daddy, Nemes ed il nuovo arrivato, mago della sette corde L0R1 cominceremo questo nuovo corso in Svizzera il 2 Maggio, allo Z7 di Pratteln, insieme a Frozen Crown e Rhapsody Of Fire.

Ora più che mai, Stick with the Sick!"

THE 69 EYES svelano il video del nuovo singolo 'Drive' e annunciano le date europee del 2022


Saltiamo sul sedile del co-pilota e lasciamo che i vampiri più longevi del gothic rock di Helsinki ci conducano in una corsa selvaggia attraverso la città in una calda notte d'estate! Con dodici album all'attivo e diversi #1 nelle classifiche finlandesi, i THE 69 EYES tornano con questo nuovo accattivante singolo, il primo di molti nuovi brani che verranno pubblicati nei prossimi mesi. Il loro motto è ancora "Il goth'n'roll non morirà mai!" e la band è attualmente in studio per registrare il suo tredicesimo fortunato lavoro che uscirà nel 2023. Tuttavia, i fan non devono aspettare oltre per sentire finalmente nuovi suoni dalla cripta, e oggi, i THE 69 EYES presentano il loro nuovo singolo 'Drive'!
"L'ispirazione è venuta dallo stesso bacino di musica che mi è sempre piaciuto, soprattutto dagli anni Ottanta. Non pianifico mai nulla; prendo solo la mia chitarra e vedo cosa viene fuori. Questa volta abbiamo suonato molto di più come gruppo e tutti i ragazzi hanno contribuito con delle idee. 'Drive' è partita da un piccolo riff, che avevo nel cassetto da molto tempo. C'è voluto un po', ma ne è valsa la pena. Suona entusiasmante e questo era l'obiettivo", commenta il chitarrista Bazie, e il cantante Jyrki 69 aggiunge: "Bazie ci ha sottoposto questa musica e la sua freschezza mi ha lasciato a bocca aperta. Sembrava roba da radio rock! Le nostre canzoni sono in rotazione quotidiana sui canali rock qui in Finlandia, ma sono quelle che abbiamo realizzato quindici anni fa. Così ho pensato che fosse ora di avere qualcosa di nuovo per conquistare l'etere! 'Drive' è un pezzo rock veloce con il suono tradizionale dei 69 Eyes che tira uno schiaffo al Sunset Strip!". 

Il video è stato diretto da Vicente Cordero e può essere visto qui:  

Ascolta il singolo qui:

Inoltre, la band ha di recente annunciato il tour europeo a novembre e dicembre 2022 con i pionieri americani dell’industrial MINISTRY e gli horror rocker WEDNESDAY 13.

 10.06.22 FI    Rock in the City - Kuopio
11.06.22 FI    Rock in The City - Vantaa
18.06.22 FI    Tuhdimmat Tahdit - Nokia
02.07.22 FI    Rock in The City - Kouvola
09.07.22 DE   Rockharz - Ballenstedt
16.07.22 FI    Kuissi Rock - Loimaa
20.07.22 FI    Krapin Pajan kesäkonsetit - Tuusula
05.08.22 FI    Amarillo - Kotka
20.08.22 FI    Rock in the City - Pori
02.09.22 FI    Tavastia - Helsinki
03.09.22 FI    Rytmikorjaamo - Seinäjoki
11.09.22 UK   HRH Goth Festival - Leeds
16.09.22 FI    Basso Ravintola - Oulu
23.09.22 ES   Shoko - Madrid
24.09.22 ES   Salamandra - Barcelona
15.10.22 FI    Kulttuurikuppila Brummi - Rauma
Special Guest:
28.10.22 DE    Dortmund - FZW
30.10.22 NL    Tilburg - 013
31.10.22 DE    Frankfurt - Batschkapp
02.11.22 UK    London - o2 Shepherd’s Bush Empire
03.11.22 UK    Glasgow - SWG3 TV Studio
04.11.22 IE     Dublin - National Stadium
07.11.22 FR    Paris - Elysée Montmartre
08.11.22 FR    Rennes - Antipode
09.11.22 ES    Bilbao - Santana 27   
11.11.22 ES    Madrid - But
12.11.22 ES    Murcia - Gamma
13.11.22 ES    Barcelona - Razzmatazz
14.11.22 FR    Lyon - Transbordeur
16.11.22 CH    Zürich - Komplex
17.11.22 DE    München - Muffathalle
18.11.22 IT     Milano - Fabrique
19.11.22 SL    Ljubljana - Kino Šiška        
21.11.22 HU    Budapest - Barba Negra
22.11.22 CZ    Prague - Forum Karlin
23.11.22 PL    Warsaw - Progresja
24.11.22 DE    Berlin - Huxleys    
26.11.22 DE    Hamburg - Gruenspan
27.11.22 DK    Roskilde - Gimle
28.11.22 NO    Oslo - Rockefeller
29.11.22 SE    Stockholm - Fållan
01.12.22 FI     Helsinki - Black Box 

THE 69 EYES sono:
Jyrki 69 | voce
Bazie | chitarra
Timo Timo | chitarra
Archzie | basso
Jussi 69 | batteria

THE 69 EYES online:

September Damage: nuovo album e video del singolo "Tools Or Victims"


I September Damage, band melodic death metal Imolese con già due dischi all’attivo e tre singoli, annunciano l’uscita del loro nuovo EP “PERCEPTION OF REALITY”.

Il disco è stato presentato in anteprima al release party tenutosi il 25 Marzo presso l’Alchemica Music Club.

“Il disco è improntato sulla realtà, percepita non secondo i soliti schemi ma osservando il lato opposto della medaglia. I temi affrontati sono la strumentalizzazione delle persone, che spesso vengono utilizzate a loro insaputa per determinati scopi per poi tramutarsi in vittime del sistema, la sensibilità dell’anima umana e i ricordi indelebili del passato che caratterizzano ogni individuo”.

La band è impegnata nella promozione dell’EP tramite vari live le cui date verranno comunicate a breve.

“PERCEPTION OF REALITY”  è disponibile su tutte le piattaforme di streaming musicale!


Sul canale Youtube ufficiale della band è online il video di “Tools Or Victims”:

September Damage line up:

Devid Rugiero – Founder; Lead Vocal (Growl and Scream);  – from 2009

Gianluca Andreacchi – Lead & Rhythm guitar; background vocal (clean and chorus) – from 2019

Francesco Caliri – Drums; Chorus – from 2016

Franco Fabbri – Bass – from 2020


Restate sintonizzati e seguite i September Damage sui loro canali social:
Amazon Music
Apple Music

Extreme Norwegian Metal Vikings :BOLVERK: Announce “Uaar" Album


Hailing from the cold North, Extreme Norwegian Metal Vikings 
will release their debut album "Uaar" on May the 27th , 2022 via Wormholedeath worldwide.

:BOLVERK: is the latest musical adventure from brothers in arms:

Christopher “Rammr” Rakkestad (Elvarhøi, Jordskip, ex. Ragnarok)

Lucass Edquist (Gnida, ex. Mork)

Bjørn “Narrenschiff” Holter (Images at Twilight, ex. Illnath, ex. Aasmegin)

Thomas Bolverk (Under the Oak, Welcome to Hell, ex. Ragnarok, ex. Images at Twilight, ex. Darkness, ex. Black Currant etc…)

Carlo from Wormholedeath stated: Bolverk: is the project from my brother Thomas Hansen and it’s not just a release or an album for me, it’s like a piece of my heart. When Thomas asked me if I wanted to release this project I was absolutely and totally honored but when I listened to the album the feelings changed into something even stronger...I am so proud to be part of this project cause this record is simply amazing. Modern and Old School at the same time, Emotional and Mercyless, Groovy and fast, Melodic and Brutal at the same time...It has all the possible elements that a metal fan would like to find in an album in 2022. Produced by the mighty Devo from Marduk, this band is the proof that you don’t need the big budgets to conquer the world with music, cause this is exactly what they are going to do.

:BOLVERK: is EXTREME NORWEGIAN METAL aiming to be as sad and melodic as Solstafir in one end and as brutal as Marduk in the other. We are exploring the borders of the Extreme Metal genre and are actively working with the contrasts that all our inspirations have embedded in us. Our music is about melody as well as brutality. We want you to sing along as well as wanting to furiously bang your head. Good music makes you want to move, and that is one of the goals we aim to achieve with :BOLVERK:

The name “Bolverk” is originally one of Odin’s personas. He used the name Bolverk when he went out to steal the mead of poetry, and there was a lot of blood-splatter and killing in the process. Later adaptations see the word used as a description for something solid and impenetrable. We even have it in our local dialect as “bælværk” where it means something like a big, sturdy unformly mass. Anyway, all this, maybe apart from the unformly mass, are things that comply with our music. Melody, poetry, brutality, tightness and a sturdy and down-to-earth attitude.

The title of the album, “Uaar”, means a bad year in older Norwegian language. This was usually used when the crops failed and people starved. It fits well with the state of the world for the last two years, we think.

Release date for the album is the 27th of May 2022. A lot of material is already written for its successor which will be unleashed as early as late spring 2023. The release of “Uaar” will be accompanied by a release-party the 11th of June, where we will treat you to free music that will challenge your listening skills and everything will be filmed and recorded for a live video.

:BOLVERK: “Uaar”

Side A:

Death the Whore 05:58

Uaar 05:27

Time for Chaos 04:38

Svovelpredikant 05:36

Side B

Secterian Bloodshed 06:57

Prevail in Silence 06:23

Bride of Christ 06:47

Bonus song CD only:

From the Depths 06:12


Israel’s SINNERY Signs To Exitus Stratagem Records To Release Forthcoming Album “Black Bile”

L/R Sinnery: 
Saar Tuvi (Bass), Alon Karnieli (Guitars and Vocals), Idan Kringel (Lead Guitar), Matan Carlos Mandelbaum (Drums)
Photo Credit - Or Shankerman

Israeli thrashers Sinnery have been working hard on a new, highly anticipated album “Black Bile”, which is slated for release this year through USA-based Exitus Stratagem Records. Their last album “A Feast of Fools” was released six years ago, so this new offering has been a long time coming. The previous album is very thrash-heavy and since then they have taken more to the death and black subgenres, as well as embracing elements from deathcore and modern metal.

This period of growth and evolution might bring a shock to long-standing fans, but in a good way. The music has gotten more professional, the musicianship has gotten tighter and there are more powerful emotions and messages inflected throughout the songs. They still bring heavy, driving riffs but have added melody and higher production quality. The band comments on the release:

“Writing Black Bile we knew more than anything that we just want the listeners to feel what we felt while writing the album. The album contains many different styles of play all while sticking to what we love about metal the most, heavy and melodic fast parts. We really tried to explore further into our inspiration’s inspiration and see where the sounds that we love came from, we mixed everything that we like to give the album a sound that is 100 percent Sinnery. All of the songs mean a lot to us, they all speak about our perspective dealing with different stuff about the world that we live in or our own minds and personal life.”

Sinnery wants their songs to bring fans closer to them and gain an understanding of who they were when they wrote “Black Bile”. Their live act is known to be very energetic and heavy, dripping with elevated intensity all the way through each set. On top of an engaging live show, they are nothing if not dedicated to their craft. They once had the opportunity to play a large-scale gig, however, vocalist/guitarist Alon Karnieli, who was doing his military service, was expected to be on base. All caution to the wind, he left without permission to go and slay the stage.

Grinding, and familiar, Sinnery takes the usual metal formula and injects it with dynamic passion. They are recommended listening for fans of Metallica, Gojira, and Testament.

“Black Bile” will be released in September 2022 via Exitus Stratagem Records.

Album teaser -

For more info:

Forged by the love for metal and hatred for anything else, Sinnery formed in late 2012 in Herzliya, Israel. The four-piece toured Israel nonstop while entering the studio with Israeli producer Eli Pikover to record their first album "A Feast of Fools".
​In 2016, the band signed with Pitch Black Records and together released Sinnery's debut LP "A Feast of Fools", getting the band to play in Cyprus's biggest metal festival "Power of The Night Fest 2017". AFOF gained the band many new listeners receiving great praise worldwide.
​In 2019, the band toured with legendary German thrashers, Tankard.
​Fast forward to 2022, The band has completed production on their highly anticipated new album "Black Bile", mixed and mastered by Matt Hyde (Machine Head, Trivium, Slipknot, Bullet For My Valentine). The album is set for release on Sept 16th via label Exitus Stratagem Records (EXSR).
​Sinnery is set to conquer new grounds and get on tour starting with Romanian Festival and date in the UK in September and October.

Rockshots Records Signs 17 CRASH For Release of Fourth Studio Album "Stamina"


Rockshots Records is proud to announce their signing of Tuscan, Italy's 17 Crash for their fourth studio album "Stamina" to be released Winter 2022.

Driven by the passion of drummer Phil Hill and singer Ros Crash, 17 Crash began their crazy journey back in 2011.

At an earlier stage of their career, 17 Crash were a true and vibrant synonym of vintage 80s LA Glam Rock Style: big hair, leather pants and loud guitars. Distinctive attire and growling sounds finally merged into the debut album “Reading Your Dirty Minds” (2015). Right after their first release, the band toured extensively throughout the Italian peninsula while making sure the name of the band was being heard.

Evolving and exploring new sounds, it didn’t take that long until they found what they were looking for with the release of the second studio album “Hit The Prey” (2018). Finding the right balance between the 80s sound and modern AOR, the new record marked a significant turning point both in terms of musicianship and career approach.

Another two years of touring passed until a further stage of evolution with their third album “Through Hell And Back” (2020) reconfirming previous collaboration with long-esteemed colleagues Alessio Lucatti in production and Simone Mularoni for mixing and mastering. The third chapter written by 17 Crash featured groovy heavy riffs, polished sounds and even sharper tunes, effectively establishing the band as a true landmark not only within national borders, but in the international hard & heavy landscape as well.

2022 will witness the release of the fourth album “Stamina”, a much more complex and profound piece of work written entirely during the endless lockdowns from the 2020 pandemic that the world experienced. It will be 80s rock crossed with a particular duality between human struggle and the will to fight and resist against all the odds. It might seem that 17 Crash have come a long way, but rest assured they are just warming up for what’s to come.

For this band's new adventure, 17 Crash also announces a new member to the family: bassist Alba Nasoni, alias The Mess Mistress.

To listen to 17 Crash's previous releases, please visit the following links:


For more info: